Monday, 4 July 2011

say cheese

hello my dear dear posse. (i got that word from henry, its ace in'it)
so, how've you been? good? good.

lifes been pretty boring to be honest. which is preeeety 'sound'. 
it has also been fooking boiling. rather annoying, 'specially when you end up fainting so I can't brag about making a clock that you all should be jel'o about. because i never actually ended up making it. anyhooo....

me and sally have discovered a new (well for me) a new-found love for TMB (The Midnight Beast), or Stefan James Donald John Abingdon, Ashley Neil Horne and Andrew 'Dru' Francis Wakely. BANGING>_< they are literally like, ace. you should follow these instructions VERY VERY carefully.

  1. go onto youtube
  2. type in the search box thing at the top "the midnight beast"
  3. then go onto their channel
  4. listen to EVERY video, and BAM you fell in love, right?
By the way, trust me this works. I tried it from a very reliable source (Sally) and it worked. So yeah:')
Watch out for several addictive ones; Booty Call, Down, Just Another Boyband, Lez Be Friends. 
But be warned. Contains Shmurberries. Over-confident stereotypical cheerleader types. Dru. Trousers falling down. Boybands. Dru. Improvising. Kissing guys. Oh, and Dru.

and i think im making plans with sally to pop off and see pegasus bridge some time later in the year. good times.
and i completed mario super brothers on the ds. again. what a geek..

im off naaahh. toodle'pip. xxxxxxxxxx

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